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Since Ghana Got Independence our music royalties has been Shambless - Appietus

Since Ghana Got Independence our music royalties has been Shambless - Appietus

Ghanaian Musician and Sound Engineer, Appietus has shared his opinion on how our royalties system in Ghana is faring.

You know that in Ghana when it comes to royalties there's nothing good to write about. he said.

According to him, the royalty system isn't that good so if that is what you depend on then it will worry you as a musician or sound engineer. 
He also advise the musicians to be focus in their work and not the royalties in the music.

He further said, musicians in the system even before us, are always complaining about the same thing since we had independence.
The story hasn't changed so there's no way anyone should put their focus on royalties maybe in the future it'll be better but for now it's in shambles.


Source: www.kantankatv.com/Esther Korkor Daitey

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